Adopt a House – 2013 Campaign

Alburnus Maior and ARA “Architecture. Restoration. Archaeology” Associations launched the second campaign in The Adopt a House Programme. We invite you to browse the list of suggested activities for each building included in the programme and choose how you want to get involved. Four buildings are included

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in the Programme and two others are in preparation and will be presented soon on the website. For the buildings included in this campaign you can consult our list of proposed activities and works here:
Traditional farmhouse (19th cent.), Ţarina no. 1248, Roşia Montană
Unitarian Parish House (18th cent., 1933), Roşia Montană no. 391
Unitarian Church (1796), Roşia Montană no. 530
House in the Central Square (1939), Roşia Montană no. 321


In this first phase of the 2013 campaign work will be conducted on two houses – the traditional home of the field (no. 1248) and the Unitarian perish house (391), so that in the following months works to be initiated on other houses in the program . Part of the financing for restoration activities have been granted, but our proposals still need your support to be achieved.

These are some ways you can get involved:

Enrol as Volunteer. Scheduled work will involve unspecialized physical labor, coordinated by local craftsmen and specialists, and also the contribution of those of you who are qualified for certain types of work:
– Masonry, digging foundations, trenches (July 1 to 5),
– Masonry, foundations (8-12 July)
– Finishing – plastering, electrical and plumbing (July 15 to 19)
– Finishing – plastering, carpentry (roof) (July 22 to 26).

For the good development of all activities we recommend internship stages of 2 weeks (10 working days) but not shorter than one week. The two –week stages can be held as follows: in the first week – teamwork coordinated by local craftsmen, professionals or volunteers already accustomed to the technique and working tasks, following as the second week you can guide new volunteers on certain types of works.

Accomodation. We cannot reimburse participants for travel and accommodation expenses. So we can provide tent accommodation in local yards with access to bathroom. Meals will be provided by the organizers. Donations in food supplies, preferably non-perishable, are more than appreciated. We also need volunteers to activate in the kitchen area.

If you want to volunteer please fill this application form or write at

Donations of materials and specialized services. An important part of the material requirements is wood. So if you can donate beams, wood plank or wood in other form please contact us. A larger list of tools and materials can be consulted here.

Work scheduled for the next steps require the involvement of professionals to achieve the Unitarian Church geotechnical study, technical expertise and the structure project to strengthen the church porch (the architectural survey and design are already made by ARA). If you want to provide such services, please contact us!

Donate money. A financial support for this campaign debut has been granted by the National Cultural Fund Administration. Funding aims the reactivation of local crafts through the active involvement of those who still practice them or those who wish to acquire. The program will be conducted in parallel with the actual restoration works. Five workshops will be attended by local artisans and craftsmen specialized in making shingle, in carpentry works, in masonry and lime mortar plaster, in dry masonry (retaining walls) or joinery. These workshops will be programmed in the first phase of the project so they can answer the needs of the Adopt a House Programme in terms of materials and donations.

Some of the proposed work for the 4 homes will benefit from the results of these workshops. For the rest of the work is required your contribution! If you want to support the activities and the work we carry out you can donate by PayPal or directly into accountby bank transfer.


The financial reports for 2012 can be accessed here, in Romanian:
Casă tradiţională (sec. XIX) Ţarina, Roşia Montană, nr. 1248
Casa parohială unitariană (sec. XVIII, 1933) Roşia Montană nr. 391
Biserica unitariană (1796) Roşia Montană nr. 530
Casă din Piaţa centrală (1939), Roşia Montană nr. 321

How do I get involved?