Roşia Montană is one of the most important and recognized historic sites in Romania. Its 50 listed historic monuments, among which 7 are designated of national and universal value, the numerous valuable historic structures and facilities, as well as its special historic and natural environment, describe the uniqueness of the cultural heritage of Roşia Montană in national and universal context.
We invite you to go through the following studies and articles referring to the importance of the major components, necessary for a correct appreciation of the site and for understanding the importance of its urgent protection.

(RO) ICOMOS recomandă înscrierea Roșiei Montane în Lista Patrimoniului Mondial şi în Lista Patrimoniului Mondial în Pericol.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Romanian.

(RO) Înscripția romană din fațada casei din Piaţa centrală (nr. 321)
Sorry, this entry is only available in Romanian.

Roşia Montană: An Overview on the Question of Cultural Heritage (Ștefan Bâlici)
Roşia Montană (County Alba, Romania) is a gold mining site known and exploited since Roman or even pre-Roman times until the recent …

Roşia Montană – Date generale referitoare la localizare, istoric, evoluţia fondului construit şi a structurii urbane, repere ale evoluţiei istorice a structurii etnice şi a ocupaţiilor (Asociaţia ARA)
Only available in Romanian. Repere geografice şi topografia generală. Localitatea Roşia Montană este aşezată în Munţii Apuseni, la o distanţă de aproximativ …

Background Note regarding the universal value of The Historic Site of Roşia Montană (ARA Association)
This document accompanies and supports the request to list the mining heritage of Roşia Montană on Romania’s Tentative List of outstanding cultural …

Rosia Montana: a case for protection rather than destruction (John Akeroyd, Andrew Jones)
Counter-report drawn by independent specialists in biology, farming and habitat management and ecological restoration in 2006, following the assessment of the area …

Ancient Gold Mining in Transylvania: The Roşia Montană – Bucium Area (Horia Ciugudean)
Although the mining works of Roşia Montană are recognised as “historic monuments of national and universal value” due to their Roman, medieval …

Papers of the International Conference “Roşia Montană in Universal History”
The papers of the International Conference “Roşia Montană in Universal History”, organised by the Babeş-Bolyai University, the Romanian Academy and ICOMOS Romania …

Funerary Architecture in Alburnus Maior (Roşia Montană): the Circular Monument (Virgil Apostol)
Archaeological discoveries made to this date at Roşia Montană describe a Roman architectural-archaeological heritage characterized by the disposition in a vast territory …