The Chapel of the Roman-catholic Cemetery („Capolna”)

51.568 lei raised from 63.100 lei last updated: 25.02.2024

1. 2022 Campaign

In this campaign we propose to carry out the works aimed at ensuring the stability and operation of the construction. Considering some problems of the resistance structure, the approval and authorization process will be carried out as urgently as possible in the next period. The works will be carried out at the basement level, areas with elevation fractures and at the roof level. Details here (in RO).

2. Descrierea ansamblului

The small chapel in the Roman-Catholic Cemetery is a special construction due to its location above a vaulted crypt and its particular function, being used in the past as a space for the activities of the confessional school. Its neoclassical architecture places it in the same architectural atmosphere of the ensemble, strongly marked by the large construction of the nearby Roman Catholic Church. The chapel is an important component of the Roman-Catholic confessional nucleus, which is also currently composed of the church (no. 549), the parish house (no. 317), the former confessional school (no. 320) and the large cemetery.

3. Descrierea lucrărilor

  • State of conservation

The chapel is in an average state of conservation, with severe deterioration in some areas, which may soon lead to general deterioration of the entire construction. Cracks and fractures are visible in the apse of the altar, the access area to the basement is almost completely collapsed, and inside, the coating degradations have caused some areas of the ceiling of the nave to detach.

  • The aim and the scale of the proposed works 

The main objective of the intervention aims to urgently stop the degradation process and open it up to visitors, being suitable for the organization of a small exhibition on the history of the Roman Catholic community from Roșia Montană.

Type of works and needs identified: 

  works observations
I. Projesct  
1. emergency intervention project  
2. studies and reports – geotechnical necessary for the technical expertise 
II. Lucrări de urgență  
1. decapări, retencuiri, zugrăveli zonele unde sunt vizibile fisuri și fracturi
2. injectări injectare fisuri și fracturi
3. rezidiri acces criptă subsol, fracturi rezidiri zone prăbușite, zone rețeseri zidărie fracturată
III. Lucrări de reparații/restaurare  
1. suport pardoselă introducere umplutură din piatră pentru limitarea infiltrațiilor din sol
2. pardoseală dușumea dușumeaua din scândură este degradată, fiind necesară înlocuirea
3. reparații șarpantă revizuiri zone degradate
4. introducere astereală suport învelitoare și element de consolidare/legare a părții superioare a construcției
5. Introducere învelitoare corespunzătoare învelitoare existentă este degradată
6. reparații mobilier, tâmplărie mobilierul și tâmplăriile sunt în stare bună de conservare, necesitând operațiuni de curățare și întreținere curentă.


4. Photos:


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